How to Clean AirDresser Filter and Water Tank

Last Update date : 2024-06-30

In order to maintain the AirDresser's high level of performance and ensure its longevity,it is important to upkeep it's filters and water tanks correctly.

How to Clean Filter and Water Tank How to Clean Filter and Water Tank

The device's air and lint filters must be managed regularly.

The air filter and lint filter need to be cleaned.

Using a soft Brush, clean the filters in running water. Then Dry the filters completely in a shaded area.

At the bottom of the product, you will find the drain tank and the refill tank. 

The drain tank collects water produced while removing moisture from clothing, while the refill tank contains clean water used for steaming.

Always check the level in the water tanks before operating the AirDresser.

Empty out the drain tank when it is full, and top up the water level in the refill tank. If there is not enough liquid in the refill tank, you can clean the outside of the water tanks using a wet towel and the inside can be cleaned with a soft brust.

Clean the water supply outlet and the drain nozzle connected to the water drain pipe with a soft brush to prevent these from clogging.


  • Only used filtered water
  • Fill the refill tank with water only, Using the device with any other liquids, such as detergent or fabric softener, may cause impair the device or case it to malfunction.
  • Regular Maintenance will ensure the AirDresser can be used for longer.

Note: For further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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