‘Edge Touch’ app (Hong-Kong version): How can I Set the ‘Touch Area’ for Edge Screen?

Last Update date : Sep 28. 2020

Touch area of Edges on touchscreen can be adjusted by an application (‘app’) called ‘Edge Touch’ on Galaxy Apps. You can set the Edge zones where touches won’t be recognized to prevent unintended screen touches via this app.

1 Go to ‘Galaxy Apps’ and search for ‘Edge Touch’
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‘Edge Touch’ on Galaxy App

2 Install ‘Edge Touch’ app to your device
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App Installation

3 Run ‘Edge Touch’ app to change the touch areas for edge screen
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Run Installation

4 Select one of the modes
Select Mode: Optimized (Default), Sensitive zone, Insensitive Zone
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Add Edge zone by user: Grip zone & Blocked zone can be modified by users.

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- The above application description is only applicable to the ‘Edge Touch’ application released on Samsung smartphones with Android 8.0 OS (Oreo) or above in year 2018 in Hong Kong. The above application description was updated in November 2018 and for reference only.
- GUI of this application is subject to change without prior notice. All images are for reference only.

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