Galaxy S8: Are all apps supported in 18.5 : 9 ratio?

Last Update date : Sep 25. 2020

In case of apps which are developed to support 'Resizable', it shows 18.5:9 automatically.


- App's maximum aspect ratio is set as over 18.5:9, it is operated as 'Full screen' mode (including games).


- App supports N OS and 'Resizable' function, it is operated as 'Full screen' mode (excluding games).


- Otherwise, it is operated as 'Conventional' mode (16:9)

User can convert to 18.5:9 aspect ratio in every each app and it is available to control in Display setting (Refer to below images)

(It is not available to set automatic ON/OFF for whole apps)

Galaxy S8: Are all apps supported in 18.5 : 9 ratio?

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