Galaxy Note4: What can we do with download booster?

Last Update date : Sep 15. 2020


You can download large files at top speed by using Wi-Fi and

your LTE at the same time.


Download large files(over 30MB) faster using Wi-Fi and

LTE networks at the same time.


The download booster icon will be shown on the status bar when

download booster is running.


dl booster 


To use Download booster, both Wi-Fi and Mobile date must be

turned on. When Download booster is enabled, any application date

that you have selected to download via Wi-Fi only will be downloaded

via Wi-Fi and LTE networks anyway.


dl booster 



- Download speed can be changed

  by different situation.

- It support only under environment of 

  Wi-Fi and LTE(NOT 3G) networks


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