How to add Accounts in Windows 8 Mail App?

Last Update date : Oct 20. 2020

Please note:

• Connection to Internet and a Microsoft account are required. In addition, you need to create an IMAP enabled account for the email address you want to switch to your MS account.

1 After running Internet Explorer in Windows 8 start screen, please access the site by typing the "" in the address bar
2 Register a new Microsoft account by entering the user name and information
Register a new Microsoft Account
3 Close the Internet Explorer and click the Mail App in Windows start screen
Launch Mail App in Windows start screen
4 Enter your MS account, click the Save button then and log in to the Microsoft account
Log in to the Microsoft account
5 Select the IMAP enable check box then save the settings
Select the IMAP enable check box then save the settings
6 Press Windows 8 logo key + C to open the menu, then click Settings > Accounts
Press Windows 8 logo key + C to open the menu, then click Setting > Accounts
7 Click Add an account then click Google Connect
Click Add an account, then click Google Connect
8 Enter your Gmail account then click Save button
Enter your Gmail account then click Save button
9 Press Windows 8 logo key + C to open the menu then click Settings > Accounts
Press Windows 8 logo key + C to open the menu then click Settings > Accounts
10 Click Add an account, and click Other Account Connect. Enter email address and password then click Connect button
Enter email address and password then click Connect button

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